90 Day Fulfillment Fast Track

This program is designed for you.

This program is designed to help burnt out overachievers find career fulfillment. You'll not only take control of your day-to-day happiness at work but also acquire the tools to build a career you love—whether you choose to stay in your current role, secure a new position, change careers entirely, or turn your side hustle into a full-time venture.

Discover your dream career.

While many programs offer resume templates and interview tips—and yes, we’ll cover those—I’m committed to going much deeper. My goal is to help you identify what you really want from your work and life and make a plan to get there.

Program Highlights

Figure out what’s holding you back

Gain a deep understanding of your career journey, identifying what has held you back and what will propel you forward to a career that truly excites you. Formulate effective strategies to break free from recurring career roadblocks and ensure continuous progress.

Identify a clear vision

Untangle your thoughts into a clear vision of what you want by identifying your unique strengths, transferable skills, interests, values, and deal-breakers.

Communicate your wants

Communicate your aspirations, story, and value effectively and in a way that makes you feel excited and proud. Share your background in a way that connect the dots and shows you as the perfect fit for whatever role you desire – even if you’re changing careers. Explain unrelated roles and gaps in your career history in a way that makes you a better fit for the role than those with traditional experience

Discover and establish career options

Create a short list of career options that are best suited for who you are and what you want, ensuring alignment with your personal and professional goals.

Confidently advance your career path

Learn to network effectively and confidently, building relationships that can help you advance your career.

This program includes built-in accountability, providing you with consistent support and encouragement as you transform your future.

Ready to take the next step?

Find the right relationships to get you there

Find mentors and build the right relationships to get your foot in the door and advance your career.