Coached by Couch

Career fulfillment for overachievers.

Meet Your Coach, Elizabeth Couch!

Hey! I’m Elizabeth Couch.

As an Upper East Sider and Johns Hopkins graduate, I checked all the traditional boxes of success—graduating at the top of my class and building two successful B2B sales teams before age 30.

But there was a problem: I was miserable. I had sidelined my personal life and mental health in pursuit of a “successful” career.

One morning, I surprised everyone by walking away from my six-figure job and the team I had built, with no job lined up and no clear direction for my future.

In my search for fulfillment, I took time off to reflect and worked with a coach who helped me realize my true calling: helping overachievers like you figure out what they actually want and break up with burnout for good.

Since then, I’ve helped countless people transform their lives by transforming their careers.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You know something needs to change…but find yourself paralyzed by thoughts like “what if I have to take a huge step back?” or “what will other people think if…?"

  • You tend to measure your worth by productivity and visible achievements….but don’t actually know what you want.

  • You feel undervalued, under-appreciated, or just plain stuck at work

  • You regularly experience Sunday Scaries and have to drag yourself out of bed each morning just to start your day

  • You’re waiting to feel “ready” to make a move.

Am I on the right track?

Imagine if you could…

  • Actually be excited about work on Monday

  • Confidently answer questions like “Who am I professionally?” and “What do I truly want out of a career?”

  • Learn how to improve your current work situation so you have the option to stay and excel in your role or explore something new (while still collecting a paycheck)

  • Uncover the career paths that are best suited for your unique vision

  • Master the art of sharing your professional narrative, connecting the dots to present yourself as the ideal candidate, even if you’re switching careers

This is more than possible for you.

It’s time to get out of your own way and find a career that lights you up.

Gain a deep understanding of your career journey.

Identify what has held you back and what will propel you forward to a career that truly excites you.

Create a vivid, actionable vision of a fulfilling career

This will serve as a powerful guide for evaluating future opportunities and making informed professional decisions.

Determine career paths that are best suited for your unique vision

Learn how to improve your current work situation so you have the option to stay and excel in your role or explore something new while still collecting a paycheck.

Master the art of sharing your professional narrative.

 Connect the dots to present yourself as the ideal candidate, even if you’re switching careers.

Develop a repository of success stories.

Highlight your achievements precisely in interviews and networking conversations.

Develop a step-by-step process for successful networking.

Identify key contacts and building valuable relationships to advance your career.

These are just a few things you can expect to gain from working with me.

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