My journey into the world of coaching started with a deep-seated desire to help others, followed by a zig-zagging career path that taught me invaluable lessons about success, fulfillment, and personal growth.

An Upper East Sider and Johns Hopkins graduate, I’m the quintessential type-A, overachiever. At Hopkins, I studied psychology and developed a passion for understanding how people think and helping them problem-solve. I quickly decided I wanted to be a therapist and was encouraged to get a PhD by all of my professors. But as graduation approached and the prospect of spending another five years in school loomed, I panicked, moved back home, and decided to try something totally different. 

For two years, I built out a digital marketing team at my mom's PR agency. Despite the success, I knew this wasn't for me. I was desperate to figure out “what I wanted to do for the rest of my life” so, naturally, I went on the hunt.

I ended up landing in the tech world at an early-stage martech company. I lasted in Customer Success for about three months before my boss suggested I move into sales. He thought I’d be good at it and I’d never met a challenge I couldn’t conquer, so I went for it. I became an Account Executive, quickly rose to the top sales rep, and within a year was promoted to Team Lead, followed by Director of Sales. I grew our sales team from a small, unstructured group to a revenue generating machine.

There was one small problem, though: I had totally sidelined my personal life and my mental health in the process. I looked like I was doing great, but in reality, I was miserable.

Meet your coach,

Elizabeth Couch!

One morning in January 2022, I woke up and decided to quit. I was so burnt out that I walked away from my six-figure job and the team I had built with no job lined up and no clear direction for my future.

It was definitely not my most strategic move, but you live and you learn.

In the weeks following my resignation, I did absolutely nothing at first. This was followed by a period of devouring self-help books and frantically searching the internet for guidance. Unsurprisingly, the internet didn’t have the answers I needed. It was through working with a coach that I found the clarity and direction I desperately sought.

Coaching provided the structure and accountability to understand and overcome the limiting beliefs I had about my career. It helped me identify what was truly important to me, narrow my focus, and create a plan for my next steps.

I realized my true calling was to help other high-achievers who felt burnt out and unfulfilled get out of their own way and make moves towards a career they’re actually excited about.

So I got to work on building the program I wish I’d had when I was, well, where you are right now. 

While developing my coaching practice on the side, a mentor approached me to consult for her startup. This turned into me building her sales development team until I was ready to take a leap of faith and go all-in on my business full-time, which brings me to where I am today!

Let’s work together

Want to learn more about how I can help you? Book your free consultation so we can get started on finding your calling together!